... We got fun and games ;-)Charlie is certainly having fun. I am less amused by all the chaos! But more order & organisation is on the way. The Kewlox cupboard is being picked up tomorrow evening - sold for 91.50 EUR. Not too shabby.
And then... well then I can start moving the rest of the furniture into its new and rightful position. More changes on the way.
Remember the window boxes I put together about 6 weeks ago ?They are now in full bloom and I see a field of pansies and daffodils each time I look out the living room windows.

The clematis is also doing wonderfully. No flowers yet, but lots and lots of new growth.
And the crocosmia were doing ok as well, until one little black panther decided to sun-bath on them...
Now 8 hours later, I have a hell of a back ache ! Getting rid of the equivalent of three huge garbage bags of dead plants and earth, chopping down all that nasty ivy, sweeping and cleaning the whole balcony, planting lovely new plants (another clematis and more echinacea amongst others), weeding, grooming and fertilising all the remaining plants - is tiresome work ! Man, and now the weather is so nasty again, I don't even get to take some 'after' pictures.
But I can't resist showing this last one. The tiny black panther all refreshed after a day of sleeping in the sun, observing the exhausted and aching Fat Cat doing some blogging...What did you get done this weekend ?
The Easter weekend involved lots of driving, drilling and testing the limits of my incredibly patient Dad... who did all the driving and drilling...Some major living room remodel on the way. Stay tuned while I work out the last kinks and solve the overspill into other rooms.The Carlton Ware money boxes and cruets are already happy with their new set-up !
Little announcement - the Fat Cat blog is officially moving into the 21st century. I am now photostreaming on Flickr with all the other cat nerds and design obsessed loonies.You can also find a fancy schmancy link to my Flickr page at the right bottom side of this blog.But today is also a sad day for all Scandinavian design addicts - Katja and Minna over at Nestled In have decided to move on to new projects and they will be closing their beautiful blog. You will be missed guys - I used to check in on you daily and loved to read your thoughtful texts and uh and ah at all your gorgeous photos. You were also my favourite source for Etsy finds. I am off to browse your archives while I still can :-) Au revoir and take care Nestled In !
Charlie bear & my Oma's armchair are getting their 15 minutes on the internet today thanks to Desire To Inspire's "Pets on furniture Mondays".Go check it out if you are so inclined. I know I am ! Peeping in on other people's super cute kitties and doggies and fashionable interiors... What a treat !Thank you very much Kim and Jo for including my pic in your selection.