Fat Lava eruption

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Blimey! I hit the motherload of West German ceramic finds this weekend. Once again the thrift oasis did not disappoint. I found :

- red ceramic lamp, not working and no shade, but hell ! for 10 EUR who gives a damn
- tiny lamp, cute, green & 50's (a favourite thrift trifecta) and only 10 EUR
- tall yellow and brown fat lava vase - 4 EUR
- small white vase (possibly a Scheurich) - 25 cents
- another Jopeko black & red lava planter - 1 EUR (view its twin here)
- large Italian planter with inversed tear drops in relief - 4 EUR (the big brother to these two)
- white planter with ondulating relief - 2 EUR
- set of white planters with finger impressions pattern - 1 EUR for the small one and 2.50 EUR for the big one

I am all thrifted out...

Update - I suspected the vase being a Scheurich because of the fairly recognisable pattern. I have now confirmation thanks to this Flickr post. My vase has the exact same identifiying marks, 260-15 !
And by the way, if you want to drool over some more West German ceramic sexiness, go check out the West German Pottery Collectors pool.

Ok now I am all researched out...


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