The Doors

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

This morning. Chaussée de Boondael. I stumbled across this awesome front door.

I am in love with that handle. And the glass pane behind it - equally stunning.

A few houses further down. Again. Wow.

You can sometimes spot these eyecatching handles on Brussels buildings from the 60s or 70s. I have no idea who manufactured them. And so far I have been unable to source any kind of information about them, but I know I am dying to find one on ebay or in a flea market for my own front door. Imagine being greeted by one of these each time you come home. Heaven.


  1. Why don't you use another ceramic tile to do the same :)
    In the end are just tiles and you can find some fancy ones in a flea market for sure! I normally see them, at least :)

    But I agree with you...they look amazing!



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