Recent finds

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Some of you were wondering what I brought back from Antwerpen. Here it goes ! 

And since I like you so much and love bragging about my thrift scores even more, I'll even throw in an additional Scandi ceramic find, for good measure.

Do you see that very restrained lamp ? Totally uncharacteristal for me, right ? It's however the only thing that made it back with me from Antwerpen. 
The seller certainly knew what he was doing. He had it displayed on top of a fancy 60s highboard, where it was casting a beautiful glow on all that teak delight. And as I'm a total sucker for contextualisation, it didn't take me more than 30 seconds to cough up 50 eur and proudly walk off with it. 
Sometimes you just know when something is right. Right ? Right !

And you know what I like most about it ? You can play around with the shade... Like this.

Or like this.

Of course I spent hours fussing around, trying to decide which way I like best...

I think this is it. The lamp shade is somehow matching the shape of the transistor radios on the poster. And I'm thinking, that must surely be one of the rules of fancy vignetting. You know, pairing forms and harmonising everything. 
Or maybe not. And I just like everything being symetrical !

Ok. Enough with the rambling nonesense. Let's get back to earth. Although. 3.50 eur for this gorgeous Royal Copenhagen Nils Thorsson designed plate is so incredible, that I might actually start believing in devine intervention.

It's all certainly brightening up the whole corner on a gloomy Sunday afternoon.

So what have you been up to lately ? Are the thrift gods smiling on you ?


  1. that lamp is perfect for your wonderful home!!

  2. I SOOO love that lamp, what an incredibly amazing find!! Stunning!! Oh yes, the thrift Gods have been smiling, head on over and have a look:-) Wish you a great week!

    1. OMG. What a haul ! You have been lucky indeed :-)

  3. The lamp is fantastic! And your little corner is looking beautiful!


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