Plant Life

Thursday, 10 May 2012

As if obsessively collecting West German pottery wasn't enough, I'm also in love with British post-war ceramics. I have been known to indulge in the occasional Hornsea purchase, and in the more frequent Carlton Ware buys.

It was only a matter of time until I stumbled upon the Midwinter productions, and in particular their 1950s ranges decorated by Terence Conran, then a budding designer.

Equally passionate about plants and ceramics, I could hardly have passed up this 'Plant Life' plate combining the two. And - the ebay gods were smiling on me - at 11£ (incl. shipping !), still a very affordable indulgence.


  1. wow, nice price and nice plate ;)

  2. Looks like it is in perfect condition! Really nice.

  3. Lucky you, I love midwinter too!

  4. love that plate,big fan of english pottery


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