Going green - litterally !

Saturday, 30 April 2011

This was a totally unexpected find. I was having coffee in an old café in Germany with the whole family and on my way to the bathroom, I spotted a collection of WGP vases on a window sill. I couldn't believe my eyes.

I chatted up the café owner and after some disbelief on his part ("What, you're collecting THESE ?"), he eventually agreed to part with this lovely green Scheurich vase for a mere 5 eur. Yes !

As you can see, the green collection is coming along nicely.

And so are the vegetable seedlings. Remember ? I sowed these just a month ago. Now most of them are already in dire need of being transplanted.
I started over the long Easter weekend with the tomatos on the left. But after pottering along on the balconies for two days, I ended up running out of compost. Sorry seedlings, you need to be patient for a little longer.


  1. I like them! I have one of these vase in yellow. Greetings from Germany

  2. Thank you CaRaJo. I didn't know these also came in yellow. Amazing.

  3. We just found a vase identical to the one on the right, but in gray! We love it, too. Congrats, great scores!


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