Now that the hall repainting is moving along nicely, it's time to consider the more enjoyable bits - furnishing & accessories. Yay !
My hall is cursed with a very, very tight closet space and this Ikea Aspvik cabinet is the most serious contender for fitting in there. Catch a glimpse of the space here.Impossible to put in anything with drawers or doors. There is just no room left for opening said drawers or doors. So sliding doors it is !Although not as original as a vintage find, the Aspvik design is at least simple and sleek enough not to be too offensive. I am still debating though wether it's worth spending 130 EUR on it ?
As far as the Aspvik range goes, I actually prefer this wall unit. Less bulky, way cheaper and wall mounted - which is fantastic for easy cleaning access. However, it's the wall mounting part that's the issue here. I doubt that the power drill, the cabinet AND I will fit in this space - maybe I should consider hiring a midget installer or child labor ? Just kidding.
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