Bedroom light

Saturday, 20 March 2010

I mentioned before that I wasn't totally happy anymore with the ceiling lamp in my bedroom.

Five years ago it was one of my first big purchases when I moved in. At the time, I loved the whole oriental vibe and I was mighty proud of this piece. Spending almost EUR 100 on a lamp seemed like such a grown-up commitment.

And even if it did go slightly rusty in Belgium's terrific weather, I still dig the special effects come night time.

Now today my inclination when it comes to decorating is clearly towards the mid-century.

And from a practical point of view, this lamp has clearly shown some limitations. Try cleaning your bedroom on winter evenings with this sort of lightening...

So bye bye ethnic lamp, and hello little retro chandelier. You and my bedroom are a match made in heaven. White, black & brass - perfect !

Plus no more excuses for not vacuuming in here at night - fur bunnies, you can't hide in the shade anymore !


  1. Hello beautiful lamp! Ça doit être merveilleux de se réveiller le matin devant un si joli luminaire. Mes plafonds sont trop bas pour que je puisse mettre des suspensions chez moi. Profites en bien!


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