Living Room

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Sunday’s post made me look at my living room with a very critical eye. It still needs a lot of love. The painting still isn’t finished. I want a new table – surely round is the way to go. Right ? Right. I also want different chairs, a different sofa, and an armchair to replace that sad little yellow chair. And that’s just the main issues.

But before I get completely depressed, here are some before pics. Hmmm, maybe the current situation is already a major improvement.

These are from way before. Taken during an attempt to install my PH5-style lamp. The result now being that I don't have any overhead light whatsoever in the living room...

Trying to decide which way to go - colourwise.

And going to work.

Rearranging furniture.

And definitely "during" - what a mess !


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