Self-portrait (post cyclone)

Monday, 28 October 2013

Let's call this the tribute to Lou Reed look, shall we ? Sounds better than the flood and storm defying look...

It's official autumn has arrived... and I took some celebratory smartphone pics. Ignore the weird angle and notice that I did manage to (inadvertently) capture four out of six cats in that second photo. Maaaad skiiiiills !

Hope you are all alright ? Despite St Jude storm aka Cyclone Christian.


  1. Your hair looks very stylish, I wish I could pull off a haircut like that!! I thought there was something new when I saw your profile over at Instagram:-)

  2. holy cow thats some cute hair, looks like Liv Tyler!

  3. Thank you, thank you ! I'm actually considering growing it again... I can never make my mind up about these things. When my hair is long, I want it short. But now that it's short I want it long again...


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