Bedroom, all done

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Remember the bedroom ? On a good day, it looked something like this.

And on a bad day ? I prefer not to show.

Mostly I managed to fill it up to the rafters with all sorts of stuff. Not that I actually own any rafters, but you get the picture. There's only so many sunburst mirrors and West German pottery vases you can display before it gets too overwhelming. And I passed that point a long time ago.

So over the last couple of month I've been a busy bee - decluttering, cleaning, dusting, repainting, selling crap on ebay, shopping at Ikea... And now I've finally got something to show for my troubles.

Yep, bye bye vintage wardrobes and highboards! I've gone rogue and gave in to the Ikea Pax appeal. 

Sleek, tall, white and 3.5 meters of incredible storage space. Honestly, they were a real pain to transport and assemble - and I could not have done without my incredible patient and determined brother and equally helpful sister-in-law (Thank you so much guys !!!). But they are so worth it !

Of course, getting these cupboards implied moving everything else around. Which gets me to the fun part - rearranging my belongings. It's a never ending story...

I also invested in some additional Tomado shelves. A girl can never have too many of those... 
Some new plants (I'm afraid there have been some casualties to the great bedroom remodel of 2011) and some new additions to my West German pottery collection. As you can see, I'm now also collecting the neutral coloured ones. I'm beyond help on that topic...

Verdict ? Ok, it's less retro and colourful than it used to be. And definitely more grown-up. But I can finally breath in here and get some work done without being distracted by the accumulation of clutter.

Of course, I still got some details to take care of. Don't know if you noticed, but I need to get some window treatments. I'm still debating which kind to choose. In the meantime, I'm just hoping there aren't too many peeping toms in the neighborhood.
I also started painting the trim in black. What a stupid idea ! Turns out I don't like it at all. So now I need to do it all over again - in white. And there's also the window frames and the radiator that need a fresh coat of paint. And I need a new overhead light. And I want to replace all the green and blue binders with white ones... And so on and so forth.

Which brings me to my final part of today's post. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy 2012, full of fun and exciting home projects. Happy decorating and thrifting all around. It's gonna be a good one. I can feel it :-)


  1. I honestly feel there should be an official title for the 'west german pottery' problem. I have it too! We could start a support group ;)

    1. I hear you ! I just came back from my weekend in Germany with yet another bag full of the stuff... It's hopeless...

  2. Youre blog is amazing. Im a big fan of midcentury modern, like your style.

    1. Thank you ! Compliments are always welcome here ;-) I love midcentury modern too and I wish my home was more in that style. You know, like the amazing 'Brick House'...

  3. It looks vey sylish!! So tidy... organized.... I love it.

    1. Hello and thank you ! It's only tidy in the photos, but you have to imagine a big pile of junk on the opposite side, or in the living room. Btw, I love your collection of Scheurich 550/10 !

    2. I am trying to find more....but I keep finding the red7brown one again and again....I need to get out of town more :0 ! pastures.

  4. Hmmm, like both... the before and after ;) But I reconize the part about breathing. Especially in the bedroom, it's nice when it is a calm and peacefull place, without to much stimulus. For me, it was downsizing the amount of books in there. But, again, I really do (and did!) like your bedroom!

  5. love your home, but i think i do like the before a little bit more :)

  6. I'm not too much into high gloss furniture these days but I have to admit the Pax without handles looks very nice and sleek.

  7. i like the contrast between the new and the retro look! love the wall colour! Great shelves and desk! nana

  8. Great looking bedroom and nice choice of prints. I just stumbled on your blog today and I like it a lot. Great work.

  9. Say there, What's that weird plant with the pink thingers sticking out of it?

  10. Very impressed! What a challenge you set yourself! :)


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