Colour Sample Disaster

Monday, 24 August 2009

What a disappointment this weekend has been.

Can you believe it, the goddamn paint shop closes at 13.00 on Saturdays. I arrived exactly 5 min. to 13.00 and they had already locked up and buggered off for the weekend - which in their case means until Tuesday... good to know that even with the current crappy economic climate some Belgian shops still have too many clients.

Crap. I HATE waiting.

In the end, I slapped on the one and only sample I got last week.

Verdict so far : bof.

It is nice and retro and looks almost like the 50's turquoise I dig - although according to the manufacturer it dates to the Regency period (god only knows when that was). But I think it might be too blue for my taste and anyway, I am not sure I want to replace one pop colour with another. I'll probably get bored of that one too...


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