And then there where six... more

Thursday, 30 August 2012

I know, I know. I've neglected this blog for far too long, but I've been busy looking for a job and incidentally spending a few more days in the UK, enjoying the sunshine and thrifting to my little heart's content. More about that another time.

As if all this wasn't exciting enough, my good friend Laura and I got sucked into yet another cat rescue mission. Ok, I admit. We've got only our weak-minded, cat crazy selves to blame for this. But still... what can you do when you come across this beautiful cat mummy and her (at that time) three newborn kittens stranded on the side of the road ? You pick everybody up and offer them a cozy, safe place in your home. Of course !

So that's what we did. Mummy cat and her five kittens - she gave birth to two more while Laura and I where out buying her food - now live in a spare room in Laura's house. Everybody seems to be doing well. Fingers crossed. 

Name suggestions anyone ? We've got one adult gray tabby, two white kittens, two gray tabby ones and one little black one. So go crazy.

Oh and btw, if anyone in Brussels and surrounding areas is reading this and can offer one (or more) of these cats a good home, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaase contact me.

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